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Cirs, Mold, & Biotoxin Illness

Enter Your Information on the form to receive the Biotoxin Illness Survey from The Integrative Rx to assess your risk. 

If you score high, we will help you find answers and create real impactful results as quickly as possible for you to recover fully from an unexplained array of symptoms.
Maybe you have been undergoing many conventional tests; maybe you are being prescribed multiple medications which leads to more medications due to side effects of another; maybe you are stressed, confused, and just want answers. Integrative medicine is your answer.
We do this by testing, providing you with the necessary resources, protocols, and clinically proven strategies implemented from your home.

Our focus is to maximize your time and efforts to effectively manage the root causes that have led you to your unexplained symptoms.

Image by Jezael Melgoza

Take The Biotoxin Survey

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